HERA benefit honoring Jack Valinski:
• When: 6:30-9:30 p.m. today
• Where: South Beach, 810 Pacific, Houston
• Cost: $25 for individual tickets; $100 for sponsorships
Tonight we're paying tribute to one of Houston's most effective and loved community activists, Jack Valinski. He's been dedicated to progressing GLBT rights in Houston for over twenty five years, and I can't think of a better way for HERA to honor such a persistent, progressive prodder than a roast. Come see Ray Hill, the Honorable Annise Parker, the Honorable Sue Lovell and others rake Jack across the coals. We all love you Jack!
Visit HERA to purchase tickets to tonight's event, and don't forget to join the Jack Pack!
The Chronicle ran an excellent profile of Jack in yesterday's paper.
Valinski says there's a lot of work to be done. He's not ready to step aside, but still wonders who will take up the battle in the next generation.
"We are always trying to get the next generation involved," Valinski said. "It's a difficult thing because a lot of them don't see what we saw."
We all owe Jack a huge debt of gratitude. He's is an inspiration, and we should all answer Jack's call. Join the Caucus. Support HERA. Buy at ticket to tonight's event, and show your appreciation by making your own personal comitment to progressing GLBT equality.
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